Fanbound Books
Fanbinding At Cost Binding FAQ & Guidelines

First off, please remember that I don't make any money making these books, I work very hard to keep track of the materials costs of the fic that I am asked to bind and I only charge for materials and shipping. Because this is a net zero(or loss) on my end I can only spend so much of my time on fic binding at any given time. This means that my fanbinding commission slots are fewer than my regular binding slots. I love fic and I love getting to see it become real books, it is what got me into bookbinding, but I also have to make sure I am setting myself up to be able to continue to do this work.

  • Because I charge based on materials used, prices are based on the number of books that are ordered. Depending on materials used for cover design and size of the book I typically charge between $45-$65 per book.

  • Typically, 175,000-200,000 words is the maximum number for words for one book. If the story you would like me to bind is more than that it will have to be multiple volumes (books) long.

  • I am located in the US. I will ship internationally. I try to look at a couple different shipping carriers to determine the best cost for level of service. I will always buy a shipping level that provides a tracking number and share this number with you. International shipping can get very costly and include import taxes you will be responsible for. Please keep this in mind if you are outside of the US and considering if you can afford a book.

  • My favorite sort of fic to bind is binding for the author themselves. I will also bind fic for folks who would like to have a copy on their shelves, but you must have permission from the author for it to be bound. And if they have given you direct permission, then you must also be willing to offer the author a copy of the book at no expense to them as well. (They made this story happen, as people who love it we deserve to at least ask if they also would like a copy.) The same goes for any fan art you may want to have included.

Fandoms/stories that I will not bind. (Also listed on my request form.)

  • I WILL NO LONGER bind Harry Potter Fic. Unless, you are the author of the fic or the artist for work on it.

  • I will not bind a typeset done by someone else for a commission or at-cost binding.

  • Ships I do not currently bind (unless you are the author): Reylo

I hope to reopen the form in early 2025.

I have temporarily closed my request form to allow myself time to get caught up on requests received as well as handle the chaos of my life. At this time I plan to reopen the form in early 2025. I will make a post about the form being open on my tumblr and Instagram accountsFanfiction At Cost Binding Requests: 12 months time frame
(this is my current estimated turn around time between me receiving an ask and completing the project.)

Fanbinding Timeline

(Please note that this is a projected timeline and due to life I cannot always hit things in the timeframe I hope to)

  1. You submit a commission request via the form.

  2. Within a month of your ask: I will contact you to let you know that your at cost binding has been selected and let you know of a broad potential start date.

  3. When I get to your fic: I will email you to let you know I am now getting started and to gather information on what your thoughts/interests are for the story. If I have not previously typeset the fic you are wanting, I typically ask for 4-6 weeks of typesetting time per book from the time that I tell you I can begin. I will always do my best to keep you informed of progress or setbacks in any of these steps.

  4. When the story is typeset: I will work on cover design. I ask for another month-2 months once we are done typesetting to get the materials I ordered in and put together into your book. Because I am charging based on materials, I wait until I know what I am ordering and how much I will need before I calculate the final cost to charge you per book.

  5. When the book is done: I will let you know final total including shipping options and double confirm your address.

  6. When you pay: I will create the shipping label and provide you with a tracking number from the shipping service.


  • These books are hand made. No two books are the same and they will not look like a factory produced book. While I take great pride in my work there may be small imperfections. I like to think of this as their character shining through.

  • This is not my full time job, this is what I like to do with my free time. So my time is limited to the free time I have available. ( Which unfortunately has been less and less in recent years)

  • I have final say on which fics I choose to bind, as well as the design decisions for the books themselves. I love getting info on your thoughts on the story, but they are only there to help me make a decision, not dictate my choices.

  • Please remember that I am just a person who likes to make books, I am not a corporation or a machine and I have to make sure I am taking care of me and my family first and foremost. I reserve the right to say no or not continue at any point during the process.

Message me on tumblr, instagram, or email

Non-Fic Bindings: Journals, Art books, Academic Papers & Original Works